Welcome to the Physics of Osmos Contest!
Students in grades K-12 are invited to explore the endless physics embedded within the beautiful game Osmos.
Create a one-minute video illustrating the physics concept that you discover in the game. The top student entry will win a $500 gift card to Amazon.com. The top three runners up will also receive prizes.
To submit your entry, follow the instructions below.
Download and install the Osmos free demo. (Or purchase Osmos from the App Store.)
Experiment with your gameplay to illustrate physics concepts using Osmos as your virtual lab.
Review the official contest rules
Create a video illustrating a physics concept.
(If you want to record your screen, try Jing or ScreenChomp)Upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, or Screencast.com
Complete the submission form by 11:59 PM PST. December 18, 2011.
Winners will be announced on December 25.
A good friend of mine came up with this contest idea. I think this will motivate a certain type of physics student. Give it a try.
By the way this idea is part our ongoing conversation around the question, what would a compelling online physics course look like. Lots of questions and no answers yet.
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