Friday, November 18, 2011

The Physics of Osmos Contest « The Physics of Osmos

Welcome to the Physics of Osmos Contest!

Students in grades K-12 are invited to explore the endless physics embedded within the beautiful game Osmos.
Create a one-minute video illustrating the physics concept that you discover in the game. The top student entry will win a $500 gift card to The top three runners up will also receive prizes.


To submit your entry, follow the instructions below.

  • Download and install the Osmos free demo. (Or purchase Osmos from the App Store.)

  • Experiment with your gameplay to illustrate physics concepts using Osmos as your virtual lab.

  • Review the official contest rules

  • Create a video illustrating a physics concept.
    (If you want to record your screen, try Jing or ScreenChomp)

  • Upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, or

  • Complete the submission form by 11:59 PM PST. December 18, 2011.

Winners will be announced on December 25.

A good friend of mine came up with this contest idea. I think this will motivate a certain type of physics student. Give it a try.

By the way this idea is part our ongoing conversation around the question, what would a compelling online physics course look like. Lots of questions and no answers yet.

Posted via email from Jim's posterous

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